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issue #14!: a very jack aric valentines day

you may need to zoom in to see more, or check out the panel-by-panel version here! (warning it doesnt exist yet so dont click it ok)

my fourteenth ever comic!!!!! happy valentines day btw!! ^^

links to the other comics!!

issue #1

issue #2

issue #3

issue #4

issue #5

issue #6

issue #7

issue #8

issue #9

issue #10

issue #11

issue #12

issue #13

issue #14 (u r here!)

issue #15

issue #16

issue #17

issue #18

issue #19


jack: hello everyone!!! today is valentines day!!!!!

aric: yay

panel one

panel two

jack: since it is the day of love, aric and i decided that i should ask out my crush!

panel three

jack: so what better way than to make him a cute valentines gift!!!

panel four

aric: we're going to be baking brownies too!!!!

jack: yay

panel five

jack: while aric is making the brownies, im going to make my crush a big old card!!!!

panel six

jack + aric: yay!!!! now we have brownies and a card!!!

panel seven

aric: soo now we r at school! jacks going to ask out his crush!!im going to wait here!!!

panel eight

jack: ariccccc :((

aric: ?

panel nine

jack: my crush already had a valentine

aric: oh :(

jack: i am very sad now

aric: ...

panel ten

aric: ...

aric: well you still have those brownies right?

jack: ?

panel eleven

jack: um.... yeah? why

aric: well then do you wanna go home and have ur brownies 2gether?

panel twelve

jack: you'd really do that with me?

aric: yea! and we can watch crappy rom-coms too!!!

panel thirteen

jack: (crying) OWAHHH

aric: x)

panel fourteen

jack: side note!!! valentines day is meant to be spend with those who you love and who love you!!

aric: and have a totally epic valentines day!!!

to be continued! ^^