hello all! my name is aiden (NOT troy!) and welcome to my website! before you step in, i would like to tell you about a couple of things first:
- this website is image heavy so it may take a while for some pages to load!
- the way that this site looks can be altered using the theme switcher!!!
- this website is rated WEB 14 for some swearing, i guess some non-kid-friendly subjects?, and also because i am a teenager so this label is most fitting.
- things will look better on a computer than on a phone!! but im trying to make this look compatible i prommy
hola fellas this is the theme switcher. the theme you put will stay even if you close your tab! :3 technology.
- normal (aka black rainbows)
- emo vampire boy
- deep space
- i eated a glowstick and now my tummy hurts
- troy-sucks v1.0
more themes to come! :]
have fun websurfing!
ps im not sure why these marquees break sometimes? they are an outdated tag though... come back mark kay