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issue #8!: you gotta look fuckin STYLISH my man!!! pt 2

you may need to zoom in to see more, or check out the panel-by-panel version here! (warning it doesnt exist yet so dont click it ok)

my eighth ever comic!!!!!

links to the other comics!!

issue #1

issue #2

issue #3

issue #4

issue #5

issue #6

issue #7

issue #8 (u r here!)

issue #9

issue #10

issue #11

issue #12

issue #13

issue #14

issue #15

issue #16

issue #17

issue #18

issue #19


panel one

jack: hey coolsters and welcome back to another issue... how to look cooler, cooler.

aric: yay

panel two

jack: and my bro here has zero style and needs help ASAP.

aric: aw

panel three

jack: so i'm going to show y'all how to be mega cool.

panel four

jack: here we are at my favorite sk8r shop. i get all of my clothes here.

panel five

aric: wow it smells like pavement and wheels and also coolness

jack: exactly.

panel six

jack: so my style is like this grunge-y emo whatever stuff lol. and also a lot of baggy clothes because it is comfy :)

panel seven

aric: emo lol

jack: shut up

panel eight

jack: here's some baggy pants

aric: thx

panel nine

jack: also here's a baggy shirt to go with those pants

aric: ok

jack: also a loose belt

aric: ok

jack: and also some-

panel ten

aric: now what

jack: OMG

jack: !!!

panel eleven

jack: now you need makeup like me

panel twelve

jack: and boom!!!! now u look like me!!!!

jack: ehhh? so?

panel thirteen

aric: uhhh idk

aric: this doesn't really feel cool

aric: how about we just wear our own stuff

panel fourteen

aric: yeah let's just wear what we want

jack: ok lel

aric: 'cause we both look cool

jack: it's a deal then

jack and aric: splendid.

to be continued! ^^