welcome to my silly little blawg
February 18, 2025
hey guys! ^_^ happy february. did you know we're already like 13% of the way thru 2025. what the hell. make it stop
GOOD AMAZING NEWS TO SHARE! so i took the ACT (American College Test) last week, and i thought my scores would come in like a month at least or something. but they came in this morning! BRUZZ. I GOT A 31 COMPOSITE. everyone shut the fuck up i just got accepted at nasa (ref)
but in all seriousness i am extremely proud of myself for the score i got. i think i have a good chance of going to columbia uni :D compsci degree here i come
so anyways, this weekend i played paintball with some of my friends! it was my first time, and i think i did pretty good :D it was actually pretty fun. i did get hit but it didn't even hurt. cool. 10/10 would paint balls again.
not really much else to say. i went rollerblading in the park yesterday and saw ducks and that was cool. have a good day fellas
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me to all of you guys
February 5, 2025
merry black history month :-) remember guys dont be racist! also be safe when protesting today ^_^
lots of updates on my fixation about videogames :-) so a couple weeks ago me and my sibling got a nintendo switch!!!! how cool!!!! also i got to start playing new horizons :-) fun game with the silly animals. RN all we have on the switch is ac:nh, mario kart 8, wonder, and deltarune. i wish it was easier to mod a switch tbh.... one day ill get a modded switch just for myself maybe. :-)
ive been getting a lot more streetpasses on my 3ds!!! soooo far i have 7 tags? which is awesomesauceome because most of them are like complete strangers! one of them is someone im actually friends with on the 3ds, and i assume one is someone i go to school with? because ive passed him 2 times... strange. but also coolness. 2025 is gonna be the year of the streetpass :3
so over the weekend, i acquired a monitor (yard sale, got it for 5 bucks what!!!) and so i put it up in my room and hooked up my switch dock to it :-) it looks pretty cool.... i put it on a bookshelf so that i could put my games and console accessories there. it looks super nice!!! im super proud of my "gaming setup" (in quotes because that is the unofficial name for that section of my room rn. my dad calls it my arcade its so cute omg), and ive been thinking of adding more consoles to it. like... a wii!!! :D i dug out my old dusty musty wii from the tv cabinet. it was the console i grew up on, but we havent used it in quite a while. we still have all of the accessories, thankfully... and also my wii is the model that supports gamecube :D! very epic.... after i aquire an RCA to HDMI converter and sucessfully connct the wii to my monitor, it'll be modding time.... and then i will have played all of the major installments of animal crossing.. epic! big major win. 2025 is also the year of my autism about video game consoles
NOT speaking of video game consoles... ive been thinking about college a lot more, and it be scary because im only 3 semesters away from graduating high school!!! scary!!! im gonna go to a college up north and stuff but im still unsure which one in particular. one that has a good compsci program maybe. maybe columbia university... thinking
auhmmm thats all for the month. hapy early valentince day
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this is me if you steven care
January 7, 2025 (wowsas!)
merry christmas, happy holidays, and happy new year !!!!!! 2025 is gonna be my year fr.... its been quite a while since last blog! my break was quite busy, and i was pretty busy with other stuff, so sorry for not updating my webby in a while. my website, he is so starved and sickly.. 1 like = 1 cry
lots of good news!!! first off - I GOT MY FIRST CHECK!!!!! 276 dollars. !!!!! im freaking rich (idk what to do with the money so for now im just gonna be a good boy and save it. for college to get more knowledge)
secondly, i went to puerto rico over break! very cool! i met lots of family (who knew you could have so many second and third cousins?!?) and i had fun in the sun :-) it was just also pretty awesome in general since i havent been to the island since i was a dum little baby, so now im actually able to remember my trip. awesome! ive been journaling all about it in my swanky new journal (that reminds me - journal page orggh) so yeah :-) soy boricua! coño
aummmm i hung out with friends on the 20th that was cool :-) except i froze to death because we slept outside :( oh well. it was fun and epic and based to play mario kart with them. :-) i want a nintendo switch !!!! ive been having sort of a hyperfixation (can i say that?) on the mario franchise (and animal crossing) for a while now (im planning a shrine for them!!!) so thats why ive been wanting a switch for a while.... my gf says she'll buy a switch lite for me someday tho ^_^!!!! so eggsited
FUCK (excuse my estonian)! i gotta make my new years blog!!!! ack! eek! okay
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i couldnt find the better and less cringe version of this on my school computer because i think my administration blocks all of the funny sites
December 3, 2024
hey guys... pretend for a moment that its november 16.. kthxbai
back on that grind from thanksgiving break... gotta keep trucking on knowing that theres only 3 more weeks until winter break babey. thanksgiving break was pretty fun for me. i got to hang out w friends... got to work out at the gym... ate some scrumptious food... hiked... awesome basically
i got to leave school early to do some important paperwork for my upcoming (PAID!!!!) internship. what what!
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go my piss blahaj
November 11, 2024
good morning everynyan! lots of good news to report :-)
bad news first though.... election.... aughughuhuhhug.... good news though! im finally moving back to new york AND GETTING THE HELL OUT OF TEXAS! yay! i'm choosing to finish high school here first however. but still.... im finally getting out of here! yay! excited to be back home in a year :-)
also good news! my sibling moved into another room in the house ^_^ so i finally fully have a room of my own :-) im still currently purging old stuff / rearranging furniture, but soon ill have 100% of my room to work with! im thinking of moving my compooter station there, or something. my friend troy offered me to buy his old pc setup for like 200 bucks, and honestly im kind of considering it. although, i am sort of saving up for a 3ds and a switch. maybe i'll sell my current pc.... (HMU if you want a 4GB ram office pc... wink!)
halloween was pretty swag. we eated pizza afterwards :-) and also, sibling birthday recently! we baked cake :-) fun!
uhhhh yeah thats all to report. oh yeah! my birthday is really soon! yayyyy! ok goodbye :-)
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cat on the pewta
October 15, 2024
OH GOOD HEAVENS! its the ides of october already!!!! why is this year going by so fast!??! what the hecks??!? in a week i have an art market, and im so excited! and nervous! mostly im worried that i'll run out of stock, so this week im goin to print out more copies of the zines im going to sell. (i'll be selling jack aric and some other zines!) hurrah! i think i will make a billion dolar.... hmm....then i will buy more sticker
MY AP ART TEACHER LEFT!!!! AND NOW THE SCHOOL DOESNT HAVE AP ART ANYMORE! :(! it really sucks because over fall break i was working on my ap art piece, and that was all for nothing! bruh..... this shcool sucks ass so much LOL
not much else to report... so tschüssi!
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this is where i blog from
October 5, 2024
hola a todos! the weezer concert was very awesoome. i did get to kiss my gf during the buddy holly riff. pretty awesome. also weezer shirts were 45 DOLLARS!???? h h h hell naw
i finished all of my quarter one exams! yay! now im off of school for a week :) i will ride my bike a lot and go to the library a lot also! it will be so fun...yayyy october i love october ^_^ and the other -bers ^_^ the pumpkin spice girls were right......
ummm not much else to report actually! life is going alright right meow. i have a lot of motivation to do a lot of things.... idk what to tackle first tho :( one of those things is to work on my site so please yell at me to work on my site... anyways tschüss! ^_^
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why so queerious?
September 26, 2024
THINKING ABOUT: weezer concert(
good afternoon usa..... excited for weezer concert with my gf! awesomes! it is this weekend! yesterday was my field trip, it is currently thursday as of the time i am typing this. it was very fun!!!!!! we went to a farm ^_^ there was also a corn maze there but i got lost halfway thru and it took me quite a bit to get back to the start. very fun tho! and then after school i went to my first day of volunteering at the library :D i was 30 minutes late tho :(...my brother decided to take the highway instead of the back roads?!???? im actually so annoyed at him rn. hes kinda uncooperative... and other adjectives... but anyways zine club was fun and now i really want to go to my library more often. maybe ill bike there ^_^ oh yeah that reminds me.
obviously while volunteering i had to ttyl with my gf, which got her upset, which her being upset got ME upset.... if she cant handle me being gone for a bit more, how is she going to deal with us being in college and me having a job soon!!!!! i'll confront her about it in a few months, after our summer program which we attend together because if we end up breaking up before then, it'll be mega awkward. i dont want to tell her before then :( so im kinda stuck here :( on the off chance that she ever reads this (idk if she reads my blog, sad !) i would like it if she brought it up.... just stuff i wanna talk about with her...idk if we can keep dating after i get a job and become more busy with college is all :(
wow that was kind of personal! just wanted to vent somewhere. idk if anyone actually reads my blog lol. anyways adios! art page coming up soon maybe
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September 23, 2024
FEELING: eepy :(
good morning everyone! today is my friends birthday today yay! i got her some stuff ^_^ cant wait for my birthday..... even though im going to be doing volunteer work for some of it :( but at least i will finally be 16 ^_^ speaking of waiting for stuff...... me and my girlfriend are going to the weezer concert this weekend!!!!! hooray!!!!!! so excited!!! i will kiss her during buddy holly riff
i wanna break my arm so that i can stay home from school :( i hate going to school and i wanna spend my time outside instead... :(.....
anyways thats all to report i suppose. adius
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sooo eepy...
September 16, 2024
CURRENTLY THINKING ABOUT: orange chicken.... yum...
hello all ^_^! today is happy days because i am looking forward to a zine art market next month!!!!! and also i applied to an art market for december, i hope i get accepted ^_^ basically im on that grind rn. ive been looking into vograce and stuff!!!! because i wanna lock in on selling my art :))) speaking of which i really really really need to put my art on my page... ive been stuck on how to organize it and what i should put but now i think ive decided on it! hooray! also :)..... i printed out some zines :))))) theyre on my latest instagram post (as of 9/16/24) (which you can follow me here :3!) im thinking of selling them for 5 dollars since im printing them out for free... but am i lowballing myself? hmm...... idk mane. ill ask some people i trust later. anyways thats all for now folks! audios
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back on that grind etc.
September 9, 2024
good morning everyone! the weather was so amazingly nice this weekend, it actually made me sad whenever i wasn't outside because it felt like i was missing out on this rare bearable and enjoyable weather oppurtunity. i plan on walking around outside for lunch anyways ^_^ im super excitd that its the ber months now. i heart the ber months :3 things are going good so far! im doing alright at school, im getting ready for an art market in october, and ive been going on more walks cuz of the weather!!! yay!!!! awesome :3 not much else to report tho. oh yea! weezer concert on the 28th with my wife! awesom! ooh wee ooh i look just like buddy holly
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40th image of the blog! glip glorp ^_^
August 30, 2024
hello everynyan!!!! ^_^ i have a sore throat rn :( luckily i didnt get no covid but mane it sucks to have a sore throat. like what did i do to deserve this. anyways speaking of libraries, i got to meet up with chippy at the library!!! hooray!!1 they're pretty skibidi. i have a photo of our hands next to each other as proof we did actually meet up and stuff... its on my phone tho so i cant access it rn. poop.
ive been getting really into animal crossing: wild world as of late. i love it so much!!! my favorite villager (aurora) was about to move out and it made me sad because i like her a lot and shes nice to me :((( but luckily she decided not to!!! hooray!!! :D aurora is so nice. :)
blog from the bog is over. aiden out. or something. toodleoo
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me and chip :3 (photo will be added eventually waa)
August 12, 2024
hewwo everypony ^_^ over the wekend i got to visit my wonderful wife :33!!!!! i didnt know about the date plans until friday evening, LOL. i got to see her both saturday and sunday!!! awesome!!!! also i made piza yesterday for dinner. yum.
i'm practicing "bigmouth strikes again" by the smiths on guitar. i like the smites :-)
ummm nothing else to report... im doing good in all my ap classes.... boyboss... aiden out
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epic beetles fighting with health bars and sound effects
August 5, 2024
greetings creatures! as i type i am currently in the middle of my 6th day of school. im sick of the grind already!!!!! i have four freaking ap classes!!!! but its fine... i should lock in anyways... anyways over the weekend (and over the past week as well) i've been playing minecraft beta 1.7.3 with my epic online frens... and yes i do agree with everyone else that beta 1.7.3 is peak minecraft. back when it was a true horror game yes.... me and everyone else built our houses in the fashion of old minecraft and it feels just like 2011 again. currently (this morning) we (me and 4 other people (you know who you are.)) began building a beachside hotel (a hotel by the beach) and its looking pretty epic so far.. i dont have pictures of it on this device unfurtunately. but imagine a hotel you built in minecraft in 2011. yea it looks just like that
i have the urge to raise beetle.... youtube has filled my recommended with insect videos (good food) maybe i should do a minor in etymology (with a major in compsci)??? idk doude. but that does sound epic and reasonable. now imagine a bug at a computer. thats me
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ummm in a bit i will add some funny screenshots from playing b1.7.3 with my friends
July 23, 2024
hello all! i have come back from a fantastic voyage in new england... (the airport part was not fantastic!!! im never going to an airport again!!! for context... i was one of millions affected by the global IT outage caused by the Crowdstrike update..) but anyways i was in connecticut, massivechushits, and maine :3 i got to try a warm lobster roll in butter... YUM. and i also got to try lobster guts... NOT SO YUM. also apparently, im allergic to crushed asians :( but thats not going to stop me from anything. im still not eating lobtser guts again tho, it had a really deep ocean taste.... it brings back memories of rough storms during my past life as a fisherman... i overall had a lot of fun in new england!!!! i got to go to a bunch of record stores :D and i ended up getting 9 CDs and 2 records and 3 books.... its quite a feat how i got all that back from new england. lols
speaking of job! i have my 2nd round of interviews this friday! woohoo! this is more of a serious one so i have to put on my best dress.. very confident im gonna get thos job tho. and it pays super well... awesome..
school starts in a week :( poopy :( kamala harris should make it illegal for school to start this early. also there should be a minecraft class
my gf got to visit me yesterday, albeit only for a few minites :(! i was orignally going to come back home late saturday, which got pushed to monday.... racism... killing the guy who caused the IT outage.. rip.
And that's how I became the Troy Sucks!
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July 4, 2024
RAHHHH AMERICA.... i actually had quite the adventure in late june... so hear you go!! ^_^ if you see that ive actually updated this webpage on july 23, 2024. no you didnt
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i fucked up we gotta go bald
June 9, 2024
goodmorning (4pm) fellas! summer has started for me since last friday so big yay! i did manage to download some themes onto my 3ds which is cool :3 and in the past week my sibling purchased a kirby game that both of us are playing....yay! and i bought adventure time games for the 3ds which should be here this week so double yay! i really should work on a gaming page... im already working on a technology page but idk how to plan that out so im kinda stuck on it for the time being. anyways im really excited for my weeklong trip with athena!!! im going to bring my 3ds with all my games and my portable cd player with all my cds :-) and mug cakes too (microwavable cake in a cup thingamabobs)! it will be so fun. only in 2 weeks.... im going to explode
ALSO!!!! im learning how to drive!!!!!! i drove for the first time ever the other day and i was so awesome at it im sooo stoked to get my license :D
thats all to report for now. see you suckers (affectionate)
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picture of a boug i found yesterday that blew up on reddit apparently (138 upvote)
May 30, 2024
hi suckers (fans of the hit website troy-sucks) i have a lot of important information to blog about !!! first of all.... bad news... yaoi privileges revoked.... good news... IM T4T!!!! :D atticus (who will now be referred to as athena from now on) came out to me as genderfluid under the trans umbrella :3 which is pretty epic. so proud of her :3 athena if ur reading this: i love uuuu :3
speaking of nintendo! i was cleaning my room and found my siblings' DS and 3DS (and a DS lite but it no work 3: (also they were on my bookshelf for some reason? how did they get there)) and i have now assumed them to be in my possession >:3 the DS is hacked with a bunch of pokemon games on it (based???) and i wanna pirate rhythm heaven on one of the devices >:3 and animal crossing new leaf >:3 it will be epic. fri*ck nintendo (corporation)
in other words i think im in my epic era because now i have cool headphones and a 3ds and ds and im confident in my drawing skills right now and also i cleaned my room. so excited for summer too.... im gonna go to the gym every day i hope.... awesome..
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i can join miiring now yeas
April 20, 2024
hey fellas!!! this friday and saturday, i got to see my atticus!! yayyy!!!! it was so fun... we went to a record store (since its record store day... happy record store day btw! and weed day! listen 2 americas most blunted by MF DOOM) and the mall (where i got atticus some hot wheels! and he got me a pair of adventure time socks! wahoo!) but i had to leave early since there was gonna be bad rain D: as i'm typing up this blogpost right now, its actually still raining.. wowsers.. but i still really enjoyed being with atticus! and doing some homosexual shenanigans. atticus if ur reading this: i love uuuu :3
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my man !!!
April 8, 2024
hiii happy eclipse day!!! i am a little late on this bloogpost but hmm pretend i live in a special time zone where it is still april 8. so yeah!!! we saw the eclispe today!!! how cool!!! although it was cloudy it still looked super cool. also!!! it is (or was) my brothers birthday!! he is 19 years old now (epic.) last year of being a teen and such. quite epic. earlier this week (sunday actually) i ran a 10k! my legs are dead rn and its a pain to wolk up stairs D: i really need to train for next year's 10k. but still very cool! nothing else to report. i hope i get my pen pal letters soon :3... aiden out
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April 5, 2024
hello all! i am quite busy working on troy-sucks 7.0, but it looks quite nice so far. ill miss the layout of troy-sucks 6.0 but oh well in with the old out with the new or something idk. speaking of eclipse!!! i am quite excited for the eclipse happening this monday! my school even changed the schedule for monday so that we could have a viewing party. epicness. good thing i have my eclipse glasses too, i dont wanna burn my eyes while looking at it. also also! i have a date with atticus in a week :3c i burned a cd for him, so ima bring it then yay!!! hmm what else to talk about. im almost done with my journal thing so hopefully i'll upload that onto here by the time i'm done with it. OH!!!! and i have penpals too now!!! YAY!!!!! i sent out their letters the other day so i hope they get them soon :3 they live in missouri (misery) and arkansas (our kansas) respectively so i think it will take about a week. cool! i wonder what i'll get from them :3c... anyways thats enough blogging time for me. aiden out
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actual real screenshot from a google form i had to do in school (i realized too late it was an april fools prank.. harhar)
March 16, 2024
augh sorry for being 2 days late for pi day... anyways completely unrelated but i made a blogpost about pies than you can read aqui...! drop your favorite pie in the comments below.
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life often imitates art..
March 13, 2024
quite a long blogpost this time so i gave her her own webpage! read it here! more like baltiless amirite folks. goodnight
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here's a picture of my hotel pool because why not
March 10, 2024
a lot of things are going on right now. first of all. spring break! and i am in new york shitty the big crapple right now! so cool :-) i really did miss nyc, its been a whole year since i last visited. and i got to do more stuff than last year! yay! yesterday mostly occured at the airport since i took a direct flight to the shitty, then the rest of it was us getting settled in a friends' apartment. today howevr! i got to hang out with my old friends!!!! we were going to take them to the pub, but it was closed at the time, so first we walked around my old neighborhood and such before going inside the pub for brunch :3 dont worry guys we only drank water! and burger. then we went to this bakery thing where me and my sibling got a milkshake, and my two other friends (they are siblings) got two bobar milk tea and a crepe (more like CRAP amirite!). then we met up with my madre + some of my other old friends and we hung out a bit. everyone is getting so old :(! also apparently a 13 year old is taller than me... the irish have a one up against me
and theeen we went to meet up with my mom and her friends :3 (ben and ken if ur reading this hiii!!!!! is my website cool) at columbus circle, then walked around central park and midtown for a bit. a bit as in a couple of hours btw, holy balls my legs were killing me by the end. we had amazing pizza tho, at this place called patsy's. then i went back to the apartment that i'm staying at, and now im here!!! yay!!!! so far so cool. i have to go down to baltimore tomorrow though, i think. which stinks! hopefully there's record stores there!! anyone in the baltimore area should let me know about cool places i should go to because i stay there till friday. anyways until next time guys. aiden out
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oh my based wgat is this!
February 21, 2024
this morning (last period) i finally asked the it guy if he could unblock the neo shitty! which he did... awesome. unfortunately all of the actual websites being hosted by neocities are still blocked ;(. i'll ask him about that later maybe. anyways i went on not one but TWO dates since i last blogged!!! how cool is that!!!! atticus :3 i made him a slide deck the valentince day. and who says chivalry is dead
ive been thinking of making an actual zine about my life of some sorts, or like a comic or something. i was at the bookstore the other day and saw this pretty swanky, thin softcover book (stapled together like a zine but it was still being sold) called "peepee poopoo" (?) and i looked through it and i thought it was oretty cool. i forgot the authors name but i was inspired by that. i need to get that back because im starting to look at colleges now and i wanna be able to pay!!!!! and i think i might major in audio/video technology or like renewable energy stuff (since my mom says thats gonna be big in the future.) either one sounds pretty bright for me so yay
i got my first funko pop the other day... theyre kinda silly looking but atticus catticus wanted to get one for me so i was like why not lol. i got spider woman (jessica drew) because shes cool. my collection of figurines grow.
speaking of figurines!!! atticus also 3d printed a toro inoue figure for meee :3333333 the silliness cannot be contained. aiden out
UPDATE! it guy fixed the issue again. youre going in my will it guy
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sneef sneef aheemmmm sniiiiiff
January 12, 2024
happy newyear! wootwootwoot! getting back on the grind (school) SUCKS!!! although i really enjoy learning, school is just!!!!! suck!!!! like what! they blocked freaking neocities on my chromebook. FOR WHAT!!!? itsnt the neo shitty? educational? tldr school stinks. i wish i could go to a cooler better actually funded school... i wish i could go to a fine arts academy... im so close to one its literally so not fair..
anyways im having a date with atticus in a week (YAY!!!!!) so that is nice to look forward to. today i was looking forward to eating a shaq a roni from papa johns but they dont exist anymore :( so that stinks. this week was a bit stinky. 3 day weekend tho! yay! and quite possibly 4, because tuesday is expected to hacer mucho frio, with chance of precipitation. i think that is COOL but i dont want my power to go out again, that would stink since i wouldn't have anywhere to go and shower/wash my clothes/be warm (i could go to the library but that is downtown)/have a light source at night... texas department of electricity or whatever really sucks!! because it is expected to snow here like once every two years (or anually, as of recent??) thats like a guaranteed power outage! what!
on the topic of art, i really really want to grow as an artist.. i want to redo my site layout again, one that is more accessible both front-end and back-end most definitely. the css for my site is like the equivalent of a wire jungle.. and i want to connect my art more to my site, and while still not making my site a social media i do want it to be a platform where i can like share my art yk? so maybe one day someone (other than hatsu (thanks!)) could commission me? :3 because that would be nice. i want to start saving up for top surgery. SPEAKING OF TRANSNESS!! im definitely going to change my name legally this year. YAY!!! i should end this blogpost now, its getting kind of long. aiden out
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these images will still continue.
December 31, 2023
heyyyyyy. haiiii... hhey..pspspsps. big old blogpost for the new year. byeeee
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obligatory image of the blog. get bugged
December 25, 2023
merry christams!!!!! yay!!! you know what is not "yay" though. being SICK!!!!!! on CHRISTMAS!!! >:(((( at least its not covid thoe... that would be a lot worse. i think i just have a cold. i am making a speedy recovery though.
i got a lot of cool stuff for christmas!!! in no particular order, i got: a scott pilgrim weezer t-shirt (that can be up to your own imagination,) another shirt i saw at an artists market the other day (there is a graphic of frida/micjheal meyers with the text "frida the 13th,") adventure time stickers, washi tape + these stickers from an artist i really like (milky tomato)!!!, a fionna (from fionna and cake) keychain, a pencil case, a pencil set, and a gundam model kit (of "mrs. loheng-rinko" specifically). that is all from my fambly. from atticus i got a WEIGHTED ISOPOD PLUSHIE!!!!!!!!!!! THE SILLY!!! im going to name him atticus jr (because atticus got a blahaj and named it aiden jr :3 (additionaly he got a record player (epic!!!) so now i can go on record store dates with him :3))
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December 2, 2023
hello everynyan. how are you. fine thank you. today was very nice today, after doing morning chores i walked to this very cool store that is basically like an art thrift store. anyways they were having an art market with local artists, so i got some stuff :3 i got a shirt + some stickers from a guy that i know, through association (he works at the other art store that i frequent,) and something for atticus (a small, squishy felt cube with a face of a cat,its features made with more stitched felt. i think he will like it :D) and it was very cool. afterwards i went to the house of one of my parent's friends to discuss some boring business stuff i reckon, but me and my sibling explored their house >:3. it was a rather large house; even though it was only 2 stories tall it just seemed to keep on going. it was my second time being there but it was the first time for my sibling, and when they got to what they thought was the end of the house just to find more stuff they were really surprised lol. also i ate some quiche there, it was very nice. after that, i went to the record store(!!!) and got 4(!!!) cds: random access memories by daft punk, green album and pinkerton by weezer, and haha by the garden :3 i also got some cyanotype paper at the bookstore!! which is very cool. im gonna do some art with it >:3 anyways thats all to report for today. aiden out
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made this on my ohone yesterday. anybody wanna commission me
December 1, 2023
christmas in a week you guys!!! i am so excited about this information!!!! anyways hii guys :p. life has been lifing rn. the other day i was playing minecraft with atticus and i lost ALL MY STUFF fighyting the wither!!!!1 ugh!!! life is so hard for a half-vampire half-where wolf boy like me....
also every time i log onto the neo shitties (the big crapple), i have a sudden itch to work on my site.. which i definitelt should... i want to make an alternative "fall" layout with aspects like a mishmash of heart143's and chip's sites respectively, with like a bunch of browns and dull greens and also images of bugs and leafs and stuff... :))) that would be nice i think
also currently i am wearing a regular show shirt i got at the thrift store last week. its pretty fire gang. anyways thats been life so far. i should really make a page for the birthday journal thing ive been working on. aiden out
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me if you even care. part 2
November 17, 2023
hello everyon! sorry for not blooging in more thna a month.. im about to drop a lot of lore on you guys probably. so for starters. both of my grandparents died last month :( and even though yesterday was my birthday, i had to go to my abuelos funeral all the way in dallas :( its not all bad things though.... i was able to celebrate my birthday at my favorite burger place!!!
i think im gonna write a tangent about this burger place. its called twisted root and whenever i went to dallas to visit my grandparents we pretty much always went there (there was one in a town aroud halfway between dallas and my city, and one in like a town away from dallas.) yesterday when we were coming back from dallas we stopped there and i had a really good bunger (its called the freshman 15 on the menu, it has smashed fries and bacon and egg and chebber chease :3) to celebrate my 15th birthday! then i got a milkshake and my family sang happy birbday to me. it was nice but also bittersweet because i most likely won't be going to twisted root for a long while... sad)
speaking of still being able to celebrate my birthday. atticus got me a gift!!! or well like a few gifts. the first box he sent me he gave me a shirt (that he got from goodwill when he went there for his birthday..i think i might have mentioned this before) sprayed with his colon (pronounced cologne) :3 i missed the smell of his cologne tbh lol. and also he gave me a bag of mnms and reeses which made me rly hapy because those are literally my two favorite candies ever!!!! and he gave me a button pin with a cat on it and a happy birthday letter :3 and ALSO!!!! he delivered me FLOWERS!!!! my boyfriend!!1 flowers!!!! im gonna dry + press them when the flowers bloom. that would be nice i think :3 as of today i am going to bake a pecan pie for my belated birthday!!!! its a tradition i do every year lol. first pie of the year too
also also, for my birthday i decided to do a jounral thing where i log every day of my life using wrappers, scraps, and found oibjects :3 basically like a year scrapbok thingy. i will show you guys when i have a few pages filled out...
wow this blog is becoming pretty long. hey that kind of rhymed. im gon a end this now. change the world my final message goodbye
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thanks juuuuune :3 also picture this cat with a birthday hat. thats literaly me
October 2, 2023
HAPPY DAYS HAPPY HAPPY DAYS. the date with atticus was AWESOME...!!! the record convention was berry cool (i got 6 cds on saturday (and 2 more on sunday (when i went without atticus (sad!)))) and it was just really nice being with atticus there. he makes me hapy :) (also i had a pretty good chicken wrap at the concessions.) o also speaking of cds i will work on the music page i prommy..... it looks very cool css-wise i just need to put the actual content in it now lol. i think i will work on that this week because i have the whole week off!!! yay!!!!!!
on friday i think it would be really cool if i went to houston (where atticus lives... houston is very big it is scary) and went to the aquarium with atticus, or something cute like that :3 school ends early for him on friday so hopefully i can make it work. ive proposed (heh) the idea to my parents and they said we should talk more about it, since my mom comes back on thursday and my brother works on saturday. grrrr. but yea i rly hope i make it work lol cuz i dont wanna wait a whole other month to see him again pls pls
completely unrelated but ITS SPOOKY SEASON!!!!! YAY!!! i gotta get my vampire costume ready... it will be very cool methinks. yea. theres going to be a county fair somewhere outside austin (taylor i think specifically?) that i wanna take atticus to fr fr. we can ride the ferris wheel together and kis :3 or hold hands. whatever boats my float :3
omg after me and atticus came back from the record convention we made pesto together (for pizza!) oh and made pizza together (and he brought peach cobbler!) and we also cuddled in my room and it felt really nice :]]] the rest of his family came over too and they were cool lol. it was very sad to see them go tho :( im writing atticus a letter rn (and making him a zine :3) because why not, :3. and also because i miss him sm lolol
i think that is all to report. i think i will go to the library today, i have a hankering for making another jack aric zine... omg speaking of jack aric i need to make more copies of those buggers lmao. ppl keep taking the copies i put out which is nice lol. so yea that is all to report. i will see you guys in an unprecedented (did i spell that right) amount of time. aiden out
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wyd when my gloopy schmoopys pull up
September 29, 2023
HELLO EVERYONE. currently 26 hours until i get to see atticus.... BIG YAY!!!!!! idk if ill even be able to sleep tonight, lol. maybe i shall take melatonin... lol
today is the last day of the quarter, and i am currently in 1st period watching the magic school bus hehe. fun. the school day ends short today which is very cool because it will feel like the day will go faster :D i just keep winning man lmao
nothing else to report for today really. see u guys lator. aiden out
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me if you even care
September 28, 2023
hello everyone...! it has been more than a month since my last blog. oopsys. GOOD NEWS HOWEVER: this saturday im going to the austin record convention... WITH ATTICUS!!!!! YAY!!!!!! very excited :teeht:. good thing this week has gone by relatively quick. however i hope that saturday does not go by in a flash..
his whole family is coming over, and we're gonna make pizzas!!!!! ^^ and also peach cobbler!!! !^^ it will be very cool. i will tell you guys all about it on sunday maybe.
speaking of conventions... i totally forgot to tell u guys about how i went to comic con around the beginning of the month so far..! i went as finn from adventure time! ^^ i made the hat myself :3 other adventure time characters seen: my mom (princess bubblegum), another finn, a marshall lee, a jake and an lsp :3 i also bumped into a sans a couple of times. very funny guy, lol. and i also got some things for atticus :]
since the quarter ends this week we have an entire week off the first month of october. idk what to do, but ill probably reserve a day for working on jack aric. i hope the weather gets colder, i need a reason to bake cookies again.... speaking of october im going to be a vampire again for halloween. it will be fun i think. ill be cooler this time and i might wear high heels or boots this time but let's see...
overall i feel very happy about life right now. i love the human condition sometimes
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my ap world history teacher. hes so silly
August 21, 2023
helo! last period we got to use html and css. obviously i showed off my immense talent...! i think the teacher wants me to move up a class lmao
thats all i wanted to share today. oh right im back at school so thats cool i suppose
OH i almost forgot. remember the march 6th blog. yea so apparently i didnt know they pressed d-sides onto vinyl..... boy u know for sure i got that vinyl... i wonder if there is g-sides and laika come home on vinyl... and how rare it is..... (dlc)
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free internet graphic for yall
August 20, 2023
hello everyone. august 20th marks a rather special day in my book..... first reason. i have officially spent 7 years living in texas! wowsers... i moved here on august 20, 2016 when i was 7 and a half years old...... now i am big 14-almost-15 year olde... wow... time flies.... the new york part never really left me. maybe some day i would like to move there with atticus and live in a quaint little place..
speaking of atticus. it is our two month anniversary! :DDDDDDDD. i hope for many more months (and years) to come... heart emoji.
yesterday, atticus and i were able to go on another date ^^! it was only for a bit but at least i was able to spend time with him while i was visiting houston. it was part of my dads gallery book signing thing (both of our dates have been at an art gallery... lol) and i got to hold his hand and hug him and give him kisses on the cheek :]]]]]]] next time ill be able to kiss him on the lips again. he gave me a seashell, which he says he has had ever since he was little. i find that really special to me... i wrote him a little love letter :3
every time he has to leave i get so emotional, because i know it'll be so long until i get to see him again, but this time i have a chance to see him on the 2nd :D! i hope so man..
the day after (this afternoon, before i left) i was at buffalo exchange (cool thrift + upcycle fashion store) and i found a cool shirt for atticus! its a big shirt (his size, hopefully, but i know how to upsize shirts) with a bunch of kitties on it :3. i plan on wearing the shirt i got for him out (when i recover 100% from covid) so that it smells like me... normal boyfriend stuff or whatever. lols.
here's to many more months ♡
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the poster i made for guitar club earlier this week...! i hope guitar club guy likes it :D
August 7, 2023
wow! its been a month since i last bloggied. wauw.... i think i might blog more tho but my blogs will be shrimple (i say that every time it seems, however...)
me and atticus are going to see each other next weekend (the 19th!) oh and speaking of date.... the one where we went to the art museum was awesome.... then we went to my house and we did some gay stuff (eat ice cream and also cuddle each other) sighh i love love. i love him. i think this date we're going to go to the mall, or something like that... i'll get to be w him 2 days in a row because im staying at his city overnight... wish it was at his place but hmm you take what you can get yk. i already planned my outfit. its very nice. i will put it in potw, if i have good connection on my phone.... but yeah its real nice...
i went to the jim yesterday. nice. i did arms and legs. my thighs hurt like hell but also like in a good way. pretty nice.... i wanna go to the gym more. atticus and i have been talking about working out more, lol. i think every guy picks up a habit or hobby of working out. its kinda silly :3
a lofi version of fly me to the moon is playing on the classroom speaker, like background noise. not sure what i think about it. i'm not sure what frank sinatra would think about his hit song becoming a cheesy lofi song to be played in classrooms. but who knows? it's a wonderful song. i was singing it to myself while playing mc with atticus once, on call, and he said he really liked me singing. it makes me feel happy :]
oh god now theyre playing a lofi version of that heatwaves song
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coming soon! :)
July 7, 2023
hello everyone! i have some more good atticus news!!! he and i are GOING ON A DATE NEXT WEEKEND (THE 15TH?!?!)!!!!!!!!! TO THE ART MUSEUM!! THEN WERE GONNA HAVE LUNCH TOGETHER. AND HES GONNA COME OVER TO MY HOUSE. IM GONNA KISS HIM SO MUCH... i love atticus :]]] he and i have been texting literally every night omfg i cant wait for our date bro
speaking of museums, i should really post my artfight stuff on here. later today a page to all my artfights so far will be linked here... if not feel free to yell at me on my profile :3
going to ikear today. hopefully i get a blahaj,,,,, shark my belovved....UPDATE 3:30 PM: I GOT A BLAHAJ!!!!! HIS NAME IS BLAHAJ!!!
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atticus asked me to make this like late last night lmao. boy why u so gnarp gnarp. gnarpified version of my cat made by june! she a gameboy kit ty mama mav
July 1, 2023
HI sorry for not blogging for so long. i swear im gonna get back into blogging again. i have a lot of things to talk about anyways...
if it wasnt obvious (and i think i had already announced it,) IM FREE!!! goodbye 9th grade hellow 10th grade... my siblings going to be in my schookl next year... theyre a fresh man now.... how they grow up so fast. anyways im planning to glow up this summer.... i already re-dyed my hair to red-to-purple but i dont think its very summery. ill let the dye fade out and re-dye it with the last of the green and blue i have for the beginning of school. red to purple is more appropriate for the spooky emo goth months tbh
number dos. I HAVE A BOYFRIEND!!!!!! his name is atticus and he and i met on a one-week trip thing where we learn about geosciences (its an educational program thing where we go on a trip every summer to learn about the earth and stuff... and also go to cool places) and i think i fell in love with him the first day of the trip. hes like, exactly my type too..... and really cute.... yeah... twirls hair. throughout the whole trip ive been schlaughing about him, so you can see my irl character development in-depth right there if you want. but tldr i have a boyfriend now, his name atticus, he a sweet boy but we live in different cities so that kind of stink.s... ill be able to see him *hopefully* next month but its very likely ill get to see him in august. also,... you guys can call me a boykisser now because ITS TRUE...! yeah. im so gay
the day after the trip ended, (sad) i went to the greater austin comic con!!!!! and so did the rest of my family. it was very fun...! i went as finn from adventure time. i actually saw someone dressed as marceline!!! we took a pic but its on my dads phone :skull: somewhere on my phone is a pic of me and freddy fastbear too btw. source: trust me bro. that wasnt even the wierdest thing ive seen that day. the weirdest thing was.... me spotting someone from my school working at a vendor :skull: im so embarrassed i was not expecting anyone i knew to see me in finn costume :skull:
other than that, nothing else to add on. i wanna go to the gym more this summer. glow ups like how i said. also work on my site, duh. dunno what else to add. i want to add a commissions page because soy pobre. (broke) my friends suggested a recipes page? so i will try to do that. heart emoji.
BTW expect more atticusposting in sooner blog posts (and schlaughs, mostly schlaughs) so keep yourself anticipated....soy gay
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a picture of me and atticus at the airport on our last day.... it was truly bittersweet (person in background is another friend i made on the trip. she name jasmine). his face is blurred for privacy but look there thats me wow. consider this a face reveal btw! i look kinda ugly in that pic but its giving boy
April 28, 2023
hola a todos! something very cool is happening today. my school is holding an art show! hooray! my art will be there so thats pretty cool. im also going to be working a couple of shifts there so thats cool. yay. awesome. im also playing guitar now. i dont really have anything to say here soooo ermmm bye bye!
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April 20, 2023
hello all! i have plety of good news to report!
first of all! i am going to a cool record store this weekend! its called "piranha records" and i looked at it on google maps and ITS SOO COOL. OMG. IM SO EXCITED FOR THIS WEEKEND... I LOVE MUSIC.
o yea speaking of eggsams. i have stinky staar test. grr. and also an ap exam. double grr. so much anger in my veins. i h8 tests so much i love walkign around and not doing tests. grr
o and about the tism post from april 3st? good news! i did end up telling my mom about it! and she agreed that me and my siblings should all get a diagnosis! which is a step in the right direction! hooray!
anyways thats all folks. will definitely post about the record store soon. i love posters so much. omg that reminds me. when i make a collections page im soooo putting my posters on there. yay
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April 10, 2023
MY BROTHER TURNED 18 LAST WEEKEND!!!!!!! WHAT THE FART!!!!! HES A GROWNUP NOW... YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS... HE CAN GET FORKLIFT CERTIFIED NOW.... literally what the fart. he can vote now too. how awesome is that. can everyone wish my brother a happy 18st birthday
anyways. happy easter! hooray! i was in houston over the weekend since my dad had a book event to go to (and i got a couple of books! yay) and i also visited my abuela. we played loteria with her and i won 3 of the rounds we played!!!! :teeht: im a pro player at loteria. also! i should post this soon (man. i really need to work on my art blog) but i painted a miku over the weekend for the art show :3 i promise i will upload her here soon. feel free to pester me about it until i do. i encourage it. :teeht:
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April 3, 2023
hello everyone! happy april fools...just kidding! that was on saturday. i just april third-ed u guys. hehe. anyways! on friday i had no school so i watched that new dungeons and dragons movie w my dad + siblings!!!! i liked it! i even got to steal (not really) a limited-edition(!!!) movie poster!!! i hung it up in my room!!!!! speaking of room... my aunt donated me some of her old clothes and theyre so comfy :3333 apparently theyre only XL-2XL but they feel so big on me??!?! (for reference im a shirt size large so i thought they wouldn't be that big... theyre probably stretched out tho tbh.) wait omg i just realized. what happened to my march 22 entry. what the flip. literally racism. ok i think thats all so far thats happened in my life so far? oh i have been starting to wonder if i actually have the tism. im like 87 percent sure i might have it but i want to talk about it with my mom or something. on that note! i hope all of you guys have a wonderful day! :D
PS: my "april" ""fools"" layout is still on my codepen!
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aric from the brand new jack aric comic! he is my new pfp on the discord. he so scrungy
March 30, 2023
end of the quarter!! hooray!! also i have no school tomorrow. double hooray!! im also going to watch a movie tomorrow!! triple hooray!! i will also try to work on jack aric comic issue 16(!??!?!?!holy cow) over the weekend but im going to visit my grandparents on saturday and returning on sundaye....i think the hardest part is just figuring out the plot/script of charpter 16... anyways other than that theres not anything else to report really... ive been playing minecraftv with troy this week (yes the troy-sucks troy. real) and we built this super op enderman farm??? like holy cow :cow: anyways thats all from this episode of aiden (currently on season 14 episode 134.) adios!
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March 16, 2023
TW long ass blog post
WOW!!! i just got back from my one week long trip to new york. i am so exhausted. ill try to squeeze my experience into this blog post.... hear we go..... FRIDAY: ok so on friday morning (literally like, 5:30 am????? lol??) me and my family woke up and got into an oova javva to the airport. at the airpord we checkeed in and i had to get a patdown at tsa and it was a bit embarassing because the guy found my phone in my pocket. i forgot to put my phoen on the thing.... what a fool i am... anyways 2 flights later and we land in nyc and by then it was already 4:30, so we checked into the hotel (we were on the top floor!!!! and it was in midtown manhattan too... vv fancy) and went 2 a pub in uptown to say hello to old friends. TANGENT: i miss riding the subway when i was younger. i loved riding it on the trip. grah i really love public transit!!!!! (tangent over) and the pub was rly cool so i took a few pics of the place... and of my burger too... o yea i decided i was going to take pictures of what i ate there for some unknown reason??? i can feel instagram coming inside me... SATURDAY: we woke up and had breakfast at this rly nice cafe before we went to the subway to go to the museum (the AMNH) that we always went to when we were younger. my dad really enjoyed going there. then we went to thw whole foods at columbus circle because we were going to have a dinner party at our hotel room!!! and then we went to central park (i love that playgiorund....)... and then we had the party!!! vv fun but i ended up going 2 sleep past mdinight x-x... SUNDAY: we checked out of the hotel and my dad took me and my brother to a rental car place (we were going uptown + sleepy hollow later, lol) and then we went to this restaurant called La Nueva Espana. JFC AND A HALF I LOVE THAT PLACE SM!!!!!!! THEIR BREAD FUCKS!!!!! HOLY SHIT. anyways. we saw some friends we havent seen in literally years!!! they look so different.... and i had to come out as trans to them but they were cool wit it :D and one of them was actually nonbinary!!!! based... anyways after eating there we went 2 the park and had a walkabout with them. plus we traded discords! pretty cool. after that, we drove up to sleepy hollow to stay there 4 the night... but not until we went to this grocery store called stew leonards!!! we kind of went there for the hell of it, lol! i liked going there as a kid. AFTER THAT: we drove up to albany (jack aric city) and stayed at our aunts house for the next days, lol. IT SNOWED!!!!!! i built an amogus snowman, lol. and then on thursday morning we left! (btw, albany international airport is super tiny????) i watched that everything everywhere all at once movie on the second connecting flight and i kind of liked it??? but i was also rly confused, lol??? anyways. we made it back home like 3 hours ago. my dad cooked some noodles and ground beef and believe it or not that was the best damn food i eaten on the whole trip. the end
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friend i made in that cafe from saturday : )
March 9, 2023
hello all! i am going on a trip to new york tomorrow!!!! i am so excited!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :DDD!! also im on a call with my friends right now! it was so fun talking to them as i finished halftoning jack aric comic! yay! ASLSO!!!!! VERY IMPORTANT!!!! I WAS AT THE WATERPARK THE OTHER DAY!!!!!!!! AND I MET SOMEONE!!!! AND HE GAVE ME HIS PHONE NUMBER!!! GRAHHH IM SO HAPPY. HIS NAME IS MATTHEW. HE IS SO FUNNY AND ALSO CUTE. I AM SO HAPPY. WE ARE TEXTING NOW :great: grahh i feel butterflys. anyways that is it so far. will add image of the blog entry soon. i am about to leave. ADIOS!!
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this image reminds me of the turmoiling relationship ofbenny sir sugarforshaped and his boyfriend bozo aka harvey. truly poetic
March 6, 2023
HELO! GUESS WHAT!! I FINALLY HAVE ALL OF THE GORILLAZ ALBUMS IN VINYL!!!!!!! YAHOO!!!!! I AM VERY HAPPY NOW. BUT THIS ALSO MAKES ME WONDER. what next? well. i dug through the old boxes of vinyl i had in my garage and found some cool old vinyls!!! including:! Live Mechanical Sound Effects In Stereo! yes that is real. yes i llistened to the whole thing. i like it. very cool! also! it is currently spring break for me. i am heading to new york for a week on friday!!!! yahoo!!!! hopefully i can finish a jack aric comic before i leave!!!! fun fact! jack aric takes place in albany, and i am going there! very surreal. i might make a jack aric comic where the backgrounds are real life...heehoo....
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February 28, 2023
hi and happy and of the month!!!!! guess what!!!! i am learning javascript!!!!!!!!! very cool!!!!!!!! see look at what i can do: console.log('hello i\'m am a string!!! haha woww!!! look at me go!!!'); see isnt that pretty cool? put that into a js ide right now!!!!! anyways. i just finished an ela test. not too bad but im a little bit bored now bc no puedo escuchar a musica... idrc tho :thumbs up: i did get to draw though!!! oh that reminds me. finish gallery page. i swer im almost done! look at the codepen for it. see! :eye:... speaking of coding, my wrist is fully healed!!! and i went to the skate park the other day!! i am getting gooder.. might make a page on how much i love skating soon... (skating shrine?) anyways. i think i am done rambling. might also work on jack aric webquest... omg i can put js into it!!!! wauw!!!!!!! ok see you guys
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i have had this jerma on my neocities dashboard since who knows when. how did this get here. what. how. who. why. where. where is germ 'ma 985?
February 19, 2023
HELLO EVERYONE!!!!!!! I JUST CAME BACK FROM CAMPING!!!!!!!! VERY FUN!!!!!! I WENT CANOEING (and caught 0 fish but it was still very fun) and i also did some minigolf!!!! (i got 2st place, my mom got 1th >:() but overall it was very fun!!!!!!!!!!! i love roasting marshies!!!!!!!! i love nature so much!!!!!! very cool camping trip 9/10 would camp again....! other than that, not much has happened? my wrist is healing!! yay!! i havent been using it much cuz of the brace, so its gotten noticeably thinner than my right hand... ah well.. and i think thats it!!! im going to get working on jack aric comic 15!!! :D cya guyz...
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decided to start an image of the week (week being blog entry) so what other than to sart with a bfdi?!?!? image by theboxfort on tumblr
February 13, 2023
hellow... a few things hath happened... so first thing last monday my mom went to austria for a week!! she just got back home yesterday!!! also its her 50th birthday!!!! yahoo!!!!! on another note.... i sprained my wrist yesterday, LOL. i was rollerblading really fast and there was a guy on a bmx bike coming my way, and it was too late for either of us to stop, so we crashed into each other :(((( i fell on my wrist and i must have sprained it that way, rip. i also bruised my knee and hit my jaw really bad (its fine rn tho.) it was nobodys fault, he apologized and helped me up too :))) i just have to wear this stuipid brace until it heals which might take like 2 weeks >:( i feel cool tho because this is kind of like my actual first skating related injury. yahoo! hope i dont break anything anytime soon. that would suck. on the bright side!!! im able to draw on my brace!!! >:D OMG ALSO!!!!! MY DAD STARTED SKATEBOARDING TOO!! he used to do it in high school so he remembered how to do it!!!!!! hes so happy and that makes me happy :D anyways thats all in the life of aiden so far, stay tuned for something special coming on the 14th! :)))
February 4, 2023
ok so... basically after i had posted that, the next morning the power went out..... for 3 days........ um yea........ which really sucks.... but at least that is over! yay! now i shall talk about my horrible 3 days without power. school was cancelled for the rest of the week so i couldnt really do anything except go to the library and charge things. i had to shower at a friends place :( not cool. :(.... and my houise had no heat (it was like 50 degrees inside...) so i had to bundle up. overall it sucked and i never want this to happen again. (too bad this happens every time theres a moderately sized snowstorm...) today was my first full day with power so i did fun things!!!! like staying warm!!!!! i also dyed my hair blue and green because i couldnt decide between the two, LOL... on a completely unrelated tanget, i binged all of BFDI/BFDIA/IDFB/BFB during my time without power.... really makes me want to make a bfdi shrine because omg i just love that webseires so much.... carykh is so cool...... goime 500 my beloved..., anways, think thats it, hopefully i go skating tmrw... also surprisingly im starting to miss my friends frum skool... anywayz thats it!!! thank u for reading!!!! :D
January 31, 2023
GUESS WHAT!!!!!!!!! SCHOOL WAS CANCELLED TODAY!!!! AND TOMORROW TOO!!!!! YAHOO!!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY A SNOW DAY!!!!!! (in reality it wasnt really a snow day; it just barely got icy but texans cant drive in icy weather, so NO SCHOOL! YIPPEE!) i woke up a bit early at like 6am, probably muscle memory or something or whatever thats cllaed lmao. sooo then i madew breakfast at like 7am, eated it with my fam at 8am, did klaundry at 9, played some minecraft at 10 with mis amigos for a bit... then i had dino nuggies and macn and cheese for lunch!!! thank u dad ur the best!!! thennn i worked on jack aric comic, doing like 100 jumping jacks every half hour to keep the blood flowing (since i didnt go outside all day lol), which gave me enough motivation to finish!!!!! :DDD aand thats basically been my day so far, lol. idk what im gonna do tmrw, since the school day is cancelled tmrw too, hopefully do some decorating / sewing stuff onto my pants, which ive got very into recently. i just love sewing! :D or maybe i can bang out another jack aric comic in like 6 hours like i did for issue 12. other than that, lifes been good! havent had time to keep practicing skateboarding but hopefully when it wamrs up i can go to the park and practice again! :D cya guyz! x)))))
January 23, 2023
HI!!!!! SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING MY SITE IN SO LONG!!!!!! it really gets hard to think of what to add to my site when its been up for at least a year... i might add some silly recipes doe.... i can make some banger cookies.... anywayz, my weekend was pretty fun! i downloaed steam friday night and used my friends account to log in (which apparently doxxed me to him lmao,) and i played undertale for the 1th time ever!!!!! i went 2 the mall on saturday and got some cool rainbow stuff (i love rainbows :D) from claires and hot topic (polar opposite stores but they still have good stuff,) and i picked up my mom from her trip x) and thennn on sunday i went 2 the park t go rollerblading / skateboarding!!!! this was my 1nd day on a skateboard and im already getting better!!!! and for dinner my family and i made brugers... yummy...... soo yea that wuz my weekend x)))))) ciao!!!!!
January 18, 2023
hello all! i am feeling a bit eepy today! probably because i went on a mini field trip for the newspaper club!!! i went 2 the capital building, and this place called the "texas tribune" which was vv fun! afterwards i got some foods from the 7 eleven and had a picnic, before going back 2 school. i also gave troy his mix CD, and his reaction seemed really happy and genuine, :), but i told him to get a cd player from goodwill cuz i dont have one lmao (hbd troy!!!!!). also, 2day i found out that me and my friends made the top 50 in the grade, so we get to go on another field trip together! wahoo! we're going to the big library downtown, which is fun, but it's kind of boring for the top 50 :p still beats going 2 skool lmao. i told a lot of my teachers about my new burning-cd hobby, and that if any of them wanted me to burn anything onto a cd i could totally do it. other than that, 2day hasn't been too eventful, but yesterday was kind of shit in the first half. for starters, i scalded my hand on 180-something degree water :( but now its better :D anywayz thats all i have 4 now, ciao!! :D
January 13, 2023
BOO!!!!!! did i scare u!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!? "boohooo aiden why did u scare me like dat boohoo" u might say. WELL ITS FRIDAY THE 13TH!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!!! I LOVE FRIDAY THE 13RDTH!!!!! SO FUN AND SPOOPY AND EEPY. anywayz, life has been fine but this week has been sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo longgggggg. BUT AT LEAST WE HAVE A 3 DAY WEEKEND!!!! YAHOO!!!!! THAT ANARCHY SITE (most likely going to be called publictransit/transport) THAT I MENTIONED LAST WEEK IS GOING TO BE SET UP 2DAY OR TOMORROW CUZ WE FINALLY SETTLED ON A NAME!!! DOUBLE YAHOO!! other than that..... nothing rly swawesome happened dis week. i gave troy his jacket back after i had it for like a whole week lolmao. ooh also in msm i finally got a ghazt!!!!! totally epic!!! s tier monster btw and also that reminds me to make a msm shrine... i E> (square heart cuz a normal one messes up da code) that game sm :3 anywayz, if ur intrerested in that anarchy site, ill let u guyz know abt it when its up!!!!!!!! but now i must go!!!! and do other things!!!!! peace!!!!!!!
January 7, 2023
hello all! as of now i am working on a new blog page layout. it looks prettyy swawesome to me tbh i rly like it. my day has been pretty big. first of all i woke up and worked on this some. then i eated brekfast, went 2 target, and my brothers friend came over so we could go bowling. i got second place btw. then we went 2 ikea so my mom could get some picture frames?idk lol and then we went hoome and my brother and his friend jammed out with their instruments on the deck before he had to leave. pretty cool! also, my friends and i on the transing the internet discord server were talking about anarchy sites and then we were like. omg we shuld TOTALLY make an anarchy/communal site. that wuld be so awesome. that wuld be so cool. so ya we did decide to make it but we need to decide on a name lmao so thats gonna take abt a week bc theres ppl from literally every timezone lawl... i will link it to my site when its up!!!! so happi... and ya thats how my day has been!!! :D
December 31, 2022!
hi hi!!! happy new years!!!!!!! here's a little thing i made about my new years thingz lol im so tired
27 de agosto, 2022
hello it is me once again touching this blog to reupdate the site. i have a headhurt but ive been unproductive all day so i feel obligated to do it. im in another city rn to see my gparents but now im going 2 get icecream....byeeeeee
July 18, 2022
May 9, 2022
its been a month again but here i am. hello, hola, bone jaw. i have 4 state issued tests this week and theyre 4 hours long each, wish me luck D:.... i also have some bad news: i misplaced my sketchbook and pencil case in the band room at school and now theyre gone...i even emailed the band teacher about it but he cant find them......i rly hope they arent lost forever i have really good drawings there and ive been using that sketchbook since december and that pencil case had a lot of stuff in it...... i rly hope it gets found im not even concerned about anyone seeing my drawings anymore tears tears...i will let u guys know if it is found (i promise i will make art gallery on this site)
April 8, 2022
boy oh boy i havent made a post here in a while. totally didn't forget that this page even existed...har har har...anyways... i think it would be cool if i made something like a virtual band or something... like mdrforever....i already have a few good ideas....but the problem is i dont know any music theory...but it would be cool to make a zine off of them. i do already have a band name that i thought of a while ago but gradually became a better and batter idea....wait for it...its called "cats cats cats" or just "cats3"...amazing right
ALSO! ita my brothers birthday today :D im going to bake a blue cake because hs favourite colour is blue. yaya happy day
this blogpost is very special because its TWOSDAY INNIT! AND ON A TUESDAY AS WELL!! just gonna say that i was here >:))))) on chewsday tooosday. pls help me (i think i might have tacos :0) BUT anyways i have made a ton of very cool epic neofriends!!!and we have a gc together on discorb!!! once it reaches 10 i kinda wanna make a whole server (thinking emoji) is this the start of a webring? (thnking emoji x2)
February 15, 2022
happy post-valentines day!! tho it might still be the 14th somewhere idk a lot about time zones. anyways im adding an entry here because im redesigning the layout here, so like why not, lol. um well um whats interesting? troy got me a bar of chocolate yesterday, so thats nice :)) i shared some with him and chess because im so nice B) other than that i didnt get any other gifts, lol (teards)
February 10, 2022
wowzers i havent been here in a long time. a lot ov stuff has happened so far? idk, lol. im still using this old trashy chromebook for coding and i still havent got my brothers old pc yet. sad....but once my brother moves out in like a year ill get it i think??? OOH i have made a buncha neofriends here. vastrecs and scourgescloset and odditycommodity are, like, SUPER COOL!!!!, we even traded discords, and we have a gc and we talk code and yeah :]]]]] i lov coding
November 29, 2021
oops sorry for the 11 days of not posting lol, i was enjoying thanksgiving break with my family thank u very much. i dyed my hair green also??? i had to bleach it first bc my hair is super dark and my mom let me??? what??/?/?? i also got a cool camera that prints out the pictures i forgot what those are called AND AND AND and THE COMSBO SHELDRIA SWEATDSHIRT CHESSI GOT ME IS HERE NOW I AM wearing it RIGHT NOW WHEHEHHEHEHEE TYSM CHESSI [HEART EMOJI HEART EMOJI HEART EMOJI H]
November 18, 2021
November 15, 2021
November 12, 2021
y'all i showed my friend that cosmo sheldrake sweatshirt and how much (much how how and) i wanted to get it and i looked over at her screen and she had a tab open that said "how much does it cost to knit..." Y'ALL I LOVE HER SM
UPDATE i accdentally looked at her screen again ans she had the tab open to the website CHESS GOD BLESS U
November 11, 2021
first blogpost? i'm just getting this thing started. nothing interesting going on, really... i convinced yet another one of my friends to make a neocities website, yay... my birthday is in 5 days!! i hope i get my own laptop or desktop - i don't really care, as long as it's better than this school chromebook i'm using currently. also, i really want to get the much much how how and i sweatshirt from the cosmo sheldrake website?
no thoughts head empty