hello world!
put some words here

this is me when silly
aka my website
i am shrinking
i am shrinking
i am shrinking
i am shrinking
i am shrinking
i am shrinking
helo my name is aiden! my favorite color is GREEN!!!!!! but i like other colors like (not in order)
- purple
- black
- pink sometimes
- red is also very nice
- i also like blue! :)
me when i am in the washingmachinde
i am in a box now!!!!!
let me oute please
i can be any color you want me to be.... i am just talented like that
i am oute of the box
here are some very epic fun facts::::::;
- on average you eat 8 spiders a year in your sleep but i do that when im awake too
- there are many different species of mushrooms that taste like actual meat!
- coding is fun!
- computger
not an exhaustive list. not ordered by anything. just came off the top of my head
i am growing
i am growing
i am growing
i am growing
i am growing
i am growing
wloah i just changed the color to pruple.... coding is awesomesauceome