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welcome to the sharkpage!


this webpage is dedicated to my girlfriend :D! she loves sharks, and i love her, so what better than to make a webpage about sharks because i love her so much? athena if ur reading this haiiii :333 may 2024 update: i fixed the oronouns

what are sharks?

a SHARK is a kind of FISH that eats other fish and that is why he has sharp teeth. he may look very scary! but he does not particularly enjoy the taste of human, so do not fret. he will try to take a chomp out of you if you make him angry, or if you are wearing jewlery (that is because he mistakes the jewlery for fish, or maybe he is against the bourgeoisie (that might be spelled wrong) either way still pretty based.) other than that the shark is a silly friendly guy! there are many type of shark, like great white shart, tiger shart, bull shart, hamber head shart, and others! the world is an amazing place!

edu-tainment: fun facts about sharks

here are the coolest facts about sharks: not in any particular order btw

shark 1 shark 2 shark 3

this section is all about the wobbegong

aka my GIRL!friends favorite shark! :3 the wobbegong is a species of carpet shark! it is in the family orectolobidae and it is the only member in its genus. this beast is very flat, like a shark pancake. these little fellers are mostly harmless to humans. they catch their prey by utilizing camouflage (which could be inferred by its flat, sand-colored body) and waiting until bottom-dewlling fishes, invertibrates, or crustaceans fall into its trap (its mouth.) however larger marine creatures will eat the shart D:! the world is a cruel place....


look how silly this beast is! :3 image creds to me in online image editor dot com.

shark 1 shark 2 shark 3

obligatory blahaj section

I LOVE BLAHAJ!!!!!!!! I HAVE A SMALL BLAHAJ :3.... AND MY GIRL!FRIEND HAS A LARGE BLAHAJ :3.. (may 2024 update: how did i not see my girlfriends tgirl arc coming) one day they will meet....one day...

the blahaj is so freaking cool. just look at this soft and squishy fellow:

other shark things that i have

i have a secret second soft shark plushie that i got from the museum one day and his name is bruce (like from finding nemo :3!) he is silly and i may put a picture of him and my blahaj (whose name is lenny (from sharktale) :3!) they are silly :3 sadly i dont have anything else shark related 3:.... life is a cruel cruel world....

this is the end or shark.net

if you have any fun facts about sharks feel free to tell me in the comments below. like and subscribe for the next cool epic video. i should make a webpage about stickers.. :3