hello and welcome to my music page! ^^ SORRY ITS NOT DONE YET... YELL AT ME TO WORK ON IT PLS
song of the whenever :3
some of my fave albums!
some of my fave artists!
concerts that ive gone to / really want to go to pls plsss
las gorilas
this is actually the first and only (legitness) concert i have been to in my life... it was a year ago (on a friday too!!!) and it was so incredibly awesome.. the gorils in real life... gorillaz please come to my city again
10/10 would go to again, good "first concert" to go to i suppose
big bill
now you may be ask. "what is a big bill?" well it is a band from my city or thereabouts, and i accidentally walked into one of their concerts while i was walking in a park a while away from my hous. they were very cool! i ended up getting a cd of theirs :3 (it's called "stand by your bill"!) and i got a FREE sticker with it too! you guys know how much i like stickers.. (i should make a sticker page on my site oh boy..) and so i put it on my sketchbook :D
7/10 concert didnt stay for the whole thing cuz i had to skedaddle
the garden
THE GARDEN CAME TO MY CITY LAST YEAR BUT I DIDNT GET TO GO :((((((((((( AND IT WAS X MACHINE GIrl TOO... the garden come to ym city again please please ill go this time
mac demarco
very nice music been listening to him since a couple of years ago. his music is so sploinky. would be cool if he did a concert in my city. please
beet boks
beet boks
a me