this is where once a month or whenever i will talk about albums that i think are cool and epic and other such adjectives. music is very cool and i like it a lot! and this month's album is none other than......

Flood - They Might Be Giants

Flood by They Might Be Giants album cover

i found a cd copy of this at a secondhand bookstore for the whopping price of 2 dollas at the beginning of august. now so far ive listened to the whole album likeeeeee 4 or 5 times? and listened to some songs in particular multiple times. i still dont know if theyre giants or not.

past album-of-the-months

AUGUST: Teal Album - Weezer

Teal Album by Weezer album cover

i listened to this album a lot on a road trip to maine and massechusetses with my mami.... to quote her: "they have some balls to make covers of some of these songs" (shes 100% right with everything so believe her)

JUNE: PUNK TACTICS - Joey Valence & Brae

PUNK TACTICS by Joey Valence & Brae album cover

seriously though why do all of these songs slap? this masterpiece earns the honor of being the very first album of the month. hooray!!!
am i supposed to say other stuff here too? urmmm music